Courtney Found a Way

When I went into Courtney's room to say "goodbye" to her on November 8th, she was heavily sedated and unresponsive. This was by design. It was time to let her go. But not before I went in to sit with her, hold her hand and say everything to her that I had stored up in my heart. One of the things I said to Courtney that awful day was this: "Courtney, if you can find a way to come see me, to talk to me, to visit me...I need you to do it. If there is a way after death to find me, please come see me." And she did . I shouldn't be surprised by this because, when Courtney put her mind to something, there is nothing she could not accomplish. That was the stubborn in her. But it was also the love in her. There is nothing Courtney would not do for the people she loved. And she loved me. Since Courtney died, many people have suggested to me that I see a medium to try to connect with Courtney. I have never really bought into this whole concept. I'm skept...