"Here Comes Your 19th Nervous Breakdown."

"Grief Sucks." ~ Everyone Ever I had a day yesterday. I woke up feeling heavy, feeling "off". No specific reason for it. And "heavy" is the only way I can describe it. The nightmares and dreams of Courtney have started. I was wondering when that might happen. Sleeping is getting to be quite an adventure. I woke up in literal tears the other night because I walked by a door in my dream and I heard Courtney crying. And I was flipping out and panicking trying to get to her. I don't need a therapist to diagnose that one for me. But I hadn't had a nightmare or sad dream (that I could recall) which would cause me to wake feeling so heavy yesterday morning. I have sad days so I chalked it up to that. Jim and I went to the gym in the morning and that always helps me. And it did for a little while. I felt better. We got home and Jim kept asking me what I wanted to do for the day. And I both wanted to do something and didn't want to do ...