The Rantings of a Heavy Hearted Lunatic

"Because I can count on my fingers how many sunsets I have left and I don't want to miss any of them." So, maybe I don't know exactly how many sunsets I have left, but I know there will never be as many as I wish there could be and that sunsets for me are not even sunsets, but the moments I have left with the people I love. Being end stage in a disease, while working towards a way to hopefully prolong your life (a double lung transplant) is an incredibly taxing affair. Physically, emotionally and mentally. You're forced to look at ALL possibilities. Of course, you always hope for the absolute best outcome. One of the things you deal with is people always telling you in one way or another to "think positive only." Well, wouldn't it be nice if life was that easy. Sorry to break it to the vast majority, but, I'm a realist. Now I know when people say these things, it's usually coming from a place of love and encouragment...